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Name Titanium plate/sheet Standard ASTMB265 ASTMESB265 AMS4911 AMS4902 ASTMF67 AS...
we have quality zinc sheets which we can supply you with any quantity to any port wor...
Relevant info: HII is the German standard for pressure vessel steel. This standard is...
Boiler steel plate SPV450 is mainly used in pressure vessels for intermediate tempera...
Introduction of Vertical field assembly Gas Fired Boiler in Sea Food Plant Vertical...
Introduction of WNS Series Oil and Gas Fired Boilers in Textile Industry In textile ...
Introduction SZS Series Oil and Gas Boiler in Textile Mill SZS Series Oil and Gas Bo...
Introduction of Phase Change Vacuum Boiler in Cotton Mill Phase Change Vacuum Boil...
Introduction of Vertical field assembly Gas Fired Boiler in Clothing Factory Vertica...
Introduction of Distiller Fired Packaged Boiler in Brewing Companies DZL series pack...
Introduction of Rice Husk Fired Shop Assembly Boiler in Beverage Distillery SZL Shop...
Pressure vessel steel plate HII owned the minimum yield strength at 265Mpa for thickn...